Latino speakers
Gabe Salazar and Fabian Ramirez are getting ready for the 2010-2011 school year. As youth speakers, they get to speak to thousands of teenagers every year motivating them to put their education first and follow their dreams by making positive choices.
October of every year includes two special weeks which these two are experts in, Red Ribbon Week and drug awareness, and Bullying Prevention month.
Red Ribbon Week 2010
Salazar is already booked for Red Ribbon week which occurs the week of October 23-31, 2010. He will be speaking at several schools in the Dallas / Fort Worth area in Texas.
Gabe Salazar is a Professional Youth Speaker who travels the world giving teens a message of hope. Gabe was born to a teen mom and was abandoned by his biological father. He says he felt his birth was merely an accident, but when he discovered his purpose as a teen motivational speaker, he realized his life was “no accident.” His focus is helping teens make positive choices and giving them a reason to dream. Click to continue »