Life Experiences, Your Decisions

Written by Fabian Ramirez on August 30th, 2010

Youth get to decide what experiences they will have in life.

It’s so true! The choices that youth make today will impact the life experiences they will have in the future. My wife and I discuss this all the time. As I’ve spoken to young people throughout the years, the message has always been the same, plan for tomorrow by what you do today.

My twenties have been filled with class after class, i’ve taken at least fifty courses in my twenties, yes that’s 50 minimum undergrad, graduate and a couple doctorate level courses. I’ve got to tell you, not all were fun, but all were necessary to get me to where I am today.

Also in my twenties, i’ve been able to take vacations to: Florida, Colorado, DC, California, London and Paris, and of course all over Texas. The best part of all is that my wife and I did this by being debt free. Why? Because the decisions I made when I was younger, impacted the experiences that I get to have today. What will your experiences look like based on what you are doing today?


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