Speaking To Youth
Adults are a totally different audience than youth. Yes, it’s easier to communicate to adults because you somewhat have an idea of what they are going through. Teenagers on the other hand have a plethora of issues that they can be going through and it’s hard for speakers to hit the mark.
But that’s no excuse not to speak to them. In fact it’s more important to speak to youth than it is adults because the decisions we make as young people can affect the choices we make as adults. There are many adults that wish they would’ve made different choices when they were teens.
Youth can be rebellious in their own ways. They will do whatever their parents tell them not to do just to act bad. Some will even runaway from home. Many will not get good grades in school and will skip classes and get behind. This of course leads to students dropping out of high school.
This is why it’s important to have role models or professionals who make a living speaking to youth because they have experience working with young people. The youth market is huge and many people are just trying to get in for the money. Most speakers have a genuine love for teens and want them to be successful. Others however are only looking to make a living and that’s it.
If you are a speaker and are looking for ways to get bookings, be sure to be yourself and keep putting yourself out there as a speaker. Tell as many people as you know about your new venture because somebody knows somebody else. Plus you want people talking about you whenever it’s time to hire a youth speaker. Be sure to get in contact with as many people as you can.
If you are an event planner, continue doing your research until you find the youth motivational speaker that has a message that fits your audience. Many are waiting for your phone call or for you to fill out their contact form. Get a list of speakers from other event planners and ask for recommendations. Do not disregard speakers who are new to the speaking scene because you may just get an awesome speaker at a low price and that always helps with the budget.