Teen Speaking Topics
Are you an advocate for young teens? If so then you know it’s time for adults to take charge. Teenagers need the help of adults to give them a realistic approach to what happens after high school. See the majority of teens only care about what their friends are doing and what is cool. This is why it’s vital to communicate to young people throughout the school year to keep them motivated to complete their school work. One of the ways in which schools are helping their students is by asking speakers to come to their school and speak to them.
Speakers who promote themselves as teen speakers have a list of topics that they cover during a speech. Some of those topics include: Drugs and alcohol, pregnancy prevention, state testing, leadership, peer pressure, school bullying and many more.
Lets take drugs and alcohol for example. A speaker who delivers a message about drugs will do so in a way to bring awareness on campus. Every year schools are encouraged to have red ribbon week to say that their school and their students say no to drugs. Kids are smart these days but many don’t have a clue as to what kind of drugs are out there. It’s best to bring an awareness so they know to stay away from drugs and they can listen to consequences of trying drugs. Lives are saved due to drug awareness.
So it’s smart for schools to invest in a communicator that can get through to students. They listen to people who know how to grab their attention. You want to use humor and props whenever possible as students become interested when they can be involved in the message. Some speakers have audiences participate through chants and school campaigns.
So if there is a topic that your students need to hear a positive message about, consider asking a teen speaker to relay that message for your school and watch as kids react in a positive way.